Tools for Biodiversity Science

I strongly think that biodiversity science needs robust standardized tools to make it a better science. This passes through formalizing the workflows and developping useful abstracted tools that can be reused across contexts.

One particular concern I have is that tool developers generally receive less credit than users while they support essential function for science.

Robust tools are crucial to develop a truly reproducible science.

This collective endeavor can only take place in a open-source software environment as scientific tools are part of the common goods.



Functional traits help to understand the ecological processes underlying biological invasions. The extent to which trait data are …

• Taxonomic checklists used to verify published plant names and identify synonyms are a cornerstone of biological research. Four …

  1. Functional diversity is widely used and widespread. However, the main package used to compute functional diversity indices FD is not …

The measurement of uncharacterized pools of biological molecules through techniques such as metabarcoding, metagenomics, …

The quantity and quality of ecological data have rapidly increased in the last decades, bringing ecology into the realm of big data. …

  1. The process of standardizing taxon names, taxonomic name harmonization, is necessary to properly merge data indexed by taxon names. …

Emphasis has been put in recent ecological research on investigating phylogenetic, functional and taxonomic facets of biological …