Recent Publications

More Publications

. Forecasting potential invaders to prevent future biological invasions worldwide. Global Change Biology, 2024.

PDF Code Dataset Project DOI

. State of the World’s Plants and Fungi. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2023.

PDF Project DOI

. The ecological causes of functional distinctiveness in communities. Ecol. Lett., 2023.

Preprint Project DOI

. The big four of plant taxonomy - a comparison of global checklists of vascular plant names. New Phytologist, 2023.

PDF Code Dataset Project Project DOI

R Packages

You can find a list of the packages I heavily contributed on my R-universe.

Package Name Package Status Description
funrar funrar CRAN badge Compute functional rarity indices (see more at
fundiversity fundiversity CRAN badge Fast and modular computation of functional diversity indices
funbiogeo Lifecycle: maturing A package to help functional biogeography analyses
ecolottery ecolottery CRAN badge an R package to simulate community assembly using coalescent theory
rtaxref rtaxref CRAN badge R client to the French Taxonomic Reference (see more at
rromeo Archived package on CRAN (outdated API)   rromeo rOpenSci badge R client to SHERPA/RoMEO the database on journal archival policies
bnfimage bnfimage CRAN badge R client to the French National Library (BnF) Image API


Functional Diversity

Studying the distribution of species attribute diversity


Large-scale study of biodiversity to achieve generalization

Tools for Biodiversity Science

Create and contribute to new tools to advance biodiversity science

Functional Rarity: an additional biodiversity facet

What are the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms explaining functional rarity and functional originality?


I’ve taught about 130 hours of courses at the different universities I’ve worked in:

Course name Level Total time
Descriptive Statistics
with R (UM)
(2nd yr)
Functional Biogeography
with R (UM, material)
(2nd yr)
Practical Session on Functional Ecology (UM) Bachelor’s
(2nd yr)
Guest Lecture
on Biodiversity Facets (UL)
(1st yr)
Biodiversity Facets
with R (UL, material)
(1st yr)
Group project
on Biodiversity Facets (UL)
(1st yr)
Introduction to git and GitHub
(UL/iDiv, material)
PhD students
and postdocs
Workshop on functional diversity and rarity
(CESAB, website)
Master’s-Reseachers 4h
Guest Lecture
on Taxonomic Harmonization (NFDI4Biodiversity Winter School)
Master’s and PhDs 2h

UM: University of Montpellier; UL: University of Leipzig

I am a certified Instructor for The Carpentries, focusing on R programming (especially for ecology) and Data Visualization.

I also founded the R User Group at the Center for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology in Montpellier. There, I organized regular 1h meet-ups on various R topics (plotting with ggplot2, mapping with sf, project organization with RStudio, workflow organization with drake, parallelization with future). I’m also a co-founding and active member of iCode, the coding club of iDiv.
