Now that we computed functional diversity, its SES, and put it on the
map. We can proceed similarly with phylogenetic diversity. For this
whole section we will use the ape package to manipulate
phylogenetic trees and the picante package to compute
phylogenetic diversity indices.
Getting the phylogenetic tree
We included a copy of the phylogenetic tree used in the article (it
is given in the Supplementary Information). It is named
phylo_tree.nwk in the data/ folder.
We can read it with the read.tree() function in the
ape package:
Q21: How does this number compare to the number of
taxa found in the dataset?
You can visualize the taxa in the phylogenetic tree in the
tip.label slot of the phylogenetic tree:
Question for you
Q22: What do you notice with the species names?
Especially compared to the ones available in
To solve the naming issue we’ll have to match the names used in the
phylogenetic tree to the species code used in the site-species matrix.
For that we’ll match the epitheton to the first code available. You do
not need to understand this code and can just copy-paste it to execute
it because we’re going to use it further down.
# Create an indexed list of names
phylo_names = species_traits[, c("species.code", "species")]
phylo_names$code_id = seq(nrow(phylo_names))
# Get the first species code based on species epithet
code_id_to_use = aggregate(code_id ~ species, phylo_names,
FUN = function(x) head(x, 1))
# Get back the data.frame of species names with the actual species.code
code_species = merge(
code_id_to_use, phylo_names[, c("code_id", "species.code")], by = "code_id"
# Tidying code for edge cases
code_species$species = gsub(" ", "", code_species$species)
code_species$species = paste0(
tolower(substr(code_species$species, 1, 1)),
substr(code_species$species, 2, nchar(code_species$species))
code_species = code_species[, c("species.code", "species")]
We can now check that we have all the names of the phylogenetic tree
available as codes:
Now that we have a clear correspondance between species code and
phylogenetic name we can proceed to the computation of phylogenetic
diversity indices. This won’t let use reproduce exactly the same
analyses as in the paper but this is the best we can do, given the data
at our disposal. If all the species were determined another possibility
could have to re-create a phylogenetic tree from genetic sequences
available from genetic databases. This approach however needs specific
skills and is a story for another time!
Visualizing the phylogenetic tree
We can visualize the phylogenetic tree to better understand the
relationship between species. With more than 600 taxa, the visualization
can be quite challenging and some ajustements should be made to ease the
The easiest way to show the phylogenetic tree is to use the
plot.phylo() function available through the
ape package.
By default the function shows the phylogram type of phylogenetic tree
and plot all the labels for all species. Let’s make it easier to
It is still difficult too read but we can already look at how
botanical are related to one another.
Computing phylogenetic diversity indices
To compute phylogenetic diversity analyses we need to combine the
phylogenetic tree with the site-species matrix. We need to subset the
communities by selecting only species with a defined code from the
previous section.
# Initial site-species matrix
head(sp_com[, 1:5])
# Subset of site-species matrix compatible with phylogenetic tree
sub_phylo_com = sp_com[, as.character(code_species$species.code)]
To measure phylogenetic diversity we will compute the Mean Pairwise
Distance (MPD, Webb (2000)) using the
picante package. The MPD is an index that represents the
average distance between all pairs of species occurring in the
community. It can also be weighted by the abundance or the biomass of
considered species so that more weight is given to species that show the
greatest abundance.
The first data needed to compute the MPD is the phylogenetic distance
between pair of species. We’ll use the cophenetic distance which
represent the same relationships as a phylogenetic tree but through a
distance matrix. We can use the function cophenetic.phylo()
in the ape package to obtain cophenetic distances.
# Compute cophenetic distances from the phylogenetic tree
cophen_dist = ape::cophenetic.phylo(phylo_tree)
# We need to change the names to species codes
corres_codes = data.frame(
species = rownames(cophen_dist)
corres_codes = merge(corres_codes, code_species, by = "species")
rownames(cophen_dist) = corres_codes$species.code
colnames(cophen_dist) = corres_codes$species.code
Then to compute MPD we use the mpd() function in the
picante package.
# Observed Mean Pairwise Distance
# Unweighted
mpd_val_uw = picante::mpd(sub_phylo_com, cophen_dist, abundance.weighted = FALSE)
# Weighted
mpd_val_w = picante::mpd(sub_phylo_com, cophen_dist, abundance.weighted = TRUE)
# Make a nice data.frame with observed MPD values
obs_mpd = data.frame(
plot.code = rownames(sub_phylo_com),
mpd_unweighted = mpd_val_uw,
mpd_weighted = mpd_val_w
# Add forest loss proportion and richness for each site
obs_mpd = merge(obs_mpd, plot_data[, c("plot.code", "forestloss17", "ntaxa")])
Questions for you
Q23: What is the relationship between the weighted
and the unweighted version of the MPD?
Q24: What are the relationships between MPD and
taxa richness? And with forest loss? Plot these relationships to
visualize them and use the cor.test() function to validate
your observations.
Null modeling
Because of the expected relationship between MPD and species
richness, we have to perform null models in a similar fashion to what
we’ve done for functional diversity indices. Because, as with functional
diversity, we want to keep null sites with same total biomass and same
total biomass per species as observed sites, we can perform a “swap”
null model. We will use a null model that shuffle the names of the
species at the tip of the phylogenetic tree.
Fortunately, compared to functional diversity, the null models are
all integrated in the ses.mpd() function in the
picante package. The null model we’ll use is the
"taxa.labels" one. Caution: null models
can be computationally challenging; for the sake of the example we’ll do
only 99 iterations but as for functional diversity a version of the null
models with 999 iterations is saved in the data folder.
# Set random seed for repeatability of analysis
# Compute null permutation of MPD
ses_mpd = picante::ses.mpd(
sub_phylo_com, cophen_dist, null.model = "taxa.labels",
abundance.weighted = TRUE, runs = 99
The function ses.mpd() computes many values. You can get
the detail by looking at the help of the functions with
?picante::ses.mpd in the Value section.
We’ll now load the version with 999 iterations.
ses_mpd_999 = readRDS("data/null_mpd_999.Rds")
Questions for you
Q25: Explain what does the column
mpd.obs.z means? How does this compare with the SES values
we computed for functional diversity indices?
Q26: How does the standardized value relates with
taxa richness?
Q27: What are the relationships between MPD values
considering null models and forest loss? Visualize the relationships
with the plot() function, validate your observations with
the cor.test() function.
Mapping phylogenetic diversity
In order to see if there is a geographical pattern in phylogenetic
diversity we can plot maps of MPD.
ses_mpd_999$plot.code = rownames(ses_mpd_999)
ggplot() +
data = merge(subset(plot_sf, block != "og"), ses_mpd_999, by = "plot.code"),
aes(color = mpd.obs.z)
) +
scale_color_distiller(type = "div", palette = "RdYlBu",
name = "SES of MPD") +
coord_sf(crs = sf::st_crs(3376), xlim = c(875000, 890000),
ylim = c(518500, 531000)) +
labs(title = "Map of all plots but block 'og'") +
ggspatial::annotation_scale() +
ggspatial::annotation_north_arrow(location = "br") +
By eye at least, the pattern doesn’t seem obvious on the map. And the
observed SES values seems to vary widely within each forest block.
Comparing facets
One burning question in the scientific literature and that is quite
debated still is the relationship between taxonomic, functional, and
phylogenetic diversity (Pavoine et al.
We can leverage on the computation we have to test the relationships
between all facets of diversity. /!\ NOTE: Because we
had trouble with the phylogenetic tree, we’re not strictly comparing the
same subset of data, we’re going to compare them anyway for the sake of
the example. The proper way would be to subset the similar sets of
species and recompute functional diversity.
Q28: How are related are observed values of
functional diversity and phylogenetic diversity? What about the
Pavoine, Sandrine, Amandine Gasc, Michael B. Bonsall, and Norman W. H.
Mason. 2013. “Correlations Between Phylogenetic and Functional
Diversity: Mathematical Artefacts or True Ecological and Evolutionary
Processes?”Journal of Vegetation Science 24 (5):
Webb, null. 2000. “Exploring the Phylogenetic
Structure of Ecological Communities: An
Example for Rain Forest Trees.”The
American Naturalist 156 (2): 145–55.