Using traits that affect growth rate and specified environments, this function returns a numeric value of expected growth rates given the traits and the environmental value. The total growth rate is then the average of the growth rates computed with each trait.

env_curve(trait_values, env_value, trait_weights, k = 2, width = 0.5)



a numeric vector of species trait values


a single numeric value giving the environmental variable


data.frame with at least three columns equal to trait (giving the name of the concerned traits in traits df), growth_weight the relative weight of the trait in growth and compet_weight the relative weight of the trait in competition, both hierarchical and based on limiting similarity.


a scalar giving the maximum growth rate in optimal environment


a numeric for niche breadth, constant in gaussian function


For the moment the environmental filter follows a Gaussian distribution:

$$ R_{i, x} = k \times \exp(- \frac{(trait_i - env_x)^2}{2\times {width}^2}) $$, where t_i is trait of species i, env_x the environmental value in patch x, k a scalar giving the maximal growth rate and width the environmental breadth of species.